Saturday, June 03, 2006

Portland Marathon

I am actually going to try the Portland Marathon this year. I was going to do it last year, but didn't have the dough. I have run two half marathons, once as part of a Half-Ironman. It really isn't that bad, as long as you pace yourself.

If any of you readers are the least bit interested in doing the marathon, I say GO FOR IT! And let me know, so I can keep an eye out for ya!

Apparently, 1/4 of all racers are walking the entire marathon. Just think, at a nice 3.5 MPH walk (most can keep this), you can finish in 7.5 hours, well within the 8 hour requirement. And if you *jog* (5 MPH) every other mile, you can finish in a little over 6 hours. WAIT, that's not all! If you actually RUN (7 MPH) every other mile, you will be done in 5 hours! And slowly jogging the whole thing would take 5:15 hours.

FOUR MORE MONTHS! Anyone can get ready for this in four months. Now, don't go about this backwards and think, "Oh, I can get started in a month and still have plenty of time." Summer is at hand, and now is the time to get going!

When: October 1, 2006
Cost: $85

Portland Marathon

Anyway, let me know if you want to join the "cool crowd." :)

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